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Uti, Non Abuti - Use de tout, mais n'abuse de rien.
Trouver d'abord, Chercher après ...
Published on November 8, 2005 By
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Comments (Page 2)
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just john
on Nov 08, 2005
and actually there was no name calling at all ... well other than mar's pointing out the someone google bombed the president's biography making him the number one hit when you google failure.
on Nov 08, 2005
Just john,
j'estime que déclencher une guerre, tambours battant, sur des allégations intentionnelement mensongères est tout à fait condamnable, moralement parlant ... Je suis ni américain ni français, si cela puisse vous apaiser l'esprit.
on Nov 08, 2005
A propos de "nécrologie", je vous rappelle que vous faites abstraction des disaines de milliers d'irakiens, la plupart des innocents ... Une guerre, ça se fait à deux !!!
on Nov 08, 2005
On the contrary, I just see a difference between unseating men who purposely enslave and murder hundreds of thousands, and little sawed-off nations that profit by keeping him in the evil business he enjoys. You think that robots worked in all those German bomb factories?
The fact is the defeat and occupation was unprecedented in how many people WEREN'T killed. Frankly most of the casualties people like you count were actual combatants, you just take advantage of the fact they don't wear uniforms and call them "civilians".
Perhaps we should have followed anti-war Europe's lead, made as many under-the-table deals with Hussein as possible and made billions, while allowing the Iraqi people to starve under sanctions. Yes, that would be the moral thing to do. Hell, we probably could have made a mint off Hitler selling him gas, too.
I get tired of people who claim to love the poor civilians and who were were happy as clams watching them suffer sanctions year after year. Go read how many children supposedly died thanks to the sanctions, then come back and start spouting about casualties.
All those children who suffered and died were the result of anti-war sentiment, dragging out Hussein's tenure so they could make MONEY OFF HIM. Wanna talk about shame?
on Nov 09, 2005
Mebrouk aidek, pour le but de rassembler un max d'adresse bloggeurs, priere de remplir une tite fiche sur mon blog : www.islamkarim.blogspot.com
Merci et @+
on Nov 09, 2005
il y a eu une guerre précipitée, des mensonges flagrants pour la justifier et des scandales écomiques après. Une exercice ostentatoire de force pour assouvir un réconfort narcissique, ça résume tout.
Rien que ces derniers jours, la presse a révélé l'utilisation des forces américaines de bombes chimiques phosphoriques à Falloujah, en 2004. Je vous rappelle que ce jenre de bombes ne fait pas distinction entre civils et les soit disant combatants comme vous avancez.
Personne ne conteste la tyrannie jusqu'au-boutiste du régime de Saddam Houssein ...Les américains l'ont cotoyé et aidé plusieurs années - avec d'autres pays européens - tout en ayant la conscience tranquille ...
on Nov 09, 2005
Oh, lol, I assumed we were having a rational conversation. I have no idea what you mean by "afterwards" since all the reasons I cite occured previous to the war. Anti-war Europe has no reason to compare the US to any animal, since they are no better than vultures feeding on the money intended to buy food and medicine for the suffering in Iraq. Anti-war nations were well aware there was just cause to remove Hussein, they just didn't want to stop the flow of corrupt profit.
You clumsily rattle off your paranoid, anti-US propaganda and ignore world leaders who loved Hussein and profited from the death and terror in Iraq without a second though. People call Americans brainwashed, but I have seen so much of this glassy eyed programing come out of Europe. It makes me sick.
on Nov 09, 2005
Je ne suis pas d'une simplicité niase pour tomber dans l'angélisme à l'égard des européens. Ils ont aussi leur part de responsabilité dans cette affaire ...
Malgré ces viscissitudes malencontreuses, loin de moi l'idée d'étiqueter les américains de crétinisme, ce n'était pas d'ailleurs mon propos. Ceci dit, j'ai eu toujours une image positive des usa et je trouve désolant que leur prisme de politique étrangère soit aussi essentialiste : d'un côté les bons, les américains bien sûr, de l'autre les méchants, les autres.
on Nov 17, 2005
Ah ces américains !
on Nov 17, 2005
No, your point was that that Bush is a failure. Oddly, you can't provide much that he has failed at. He has accomplished a lot that you have differed with, but doing something you disagree with isn't a failure.
on Nov 17, 2005
Mon pied-de-nez à l'égard de Bush concernait sa politique étrangère, notamment en Irak. A cette enseigne, ma religion est déjà faite. Côté politique domestique, c'est une autre histoire. D'ailleurs, je ne suis pas bien placé pour la juger...
on Nov 18, 2005
Callinng somebody coward because they express their views and post a joke is REALLY WHAT I CALL COWARD! What happened to freedom of speech, after all that's what Bush claims to defend in Iraq....
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