Uti, Non Abuti - Use de tout, mais n'abuse de rien.
A qui profite l'info ?
Published on August 14, 2007 By marouki In International
La CIA vient de déclassifier un document historique (Link) à pour le moins étonnant sur le conflit ensablé du Sahara Occidental. Daté du 23 février 1985, le texte autrefois « top secret », révèle que l’Algérie, alors présidée par Chadli Bendjedid, aurait proposé au Roi Hassan II une sorte d’autonomie pour le territoire contesté. « Les Sahraouis contrôleraient les affaires intérieures, tandis que Hassan II serait souverain du territoire qu’il représenterait aux organisations internationales. » Ce qui n’est pas sans rappeler les négociations du moment à Long Island, sous la houlette de l’ONU. Aujourd’hui, le Royaume Chérifien négocie âprement l’autonomie, se heurtant ainsi aux indépendantistes sahraouis du Polisario, soutenus officiellement de manière inconditionnelle par Alger. En ces temps là, la note stipule que le Maroc a refusé la proposition algérienne, craignant une érosion de sa souveraineté au profit de son ennemi voisin. Main tendue ou ruse diplomatique, la CIA soupçonne dans sa note l’Algérie d’avoir agi dans le but de révéler le nationalisme virulent du Royaume. C’est l’histoire à l’envers.

in bakchich.info Link

on Aug 15, 2007
Vous pourriez obtenir plus de lecteurs et ou réponses si vous signaliez en anglais. Juste une pensée.
on Aug 15, 2007
*sight* here for those who are unable to find a french/english translator, or too lazy to learn french.

The CIA just declassified a surprising historical document (LINK) about the sandy conflict of Western Sahara. Dated of the 23th February 1985, the former "top secret" document reveal that Algeria, at the time leaded by the President Chadli Bendjedid, proposed to the King Hassann II some kind of autonomy for the contested territory. "The Saharians would control their internal affairs, while Hassann II would be king of the territory when it comes to international organisations". This recalls the negociation of the time in Long Island, under U.N.'s supervision. Right now, the Chérifian Kingdom is negociating it's autonomy, being in conflict with the Saharians independantists of Polisario, officially and inconditionnaly supported by Alger. In those time, the document clearly state that Morroco refused the Algerian proposition, fearing the erosion of it's sovreignty to it's neighboor's profit. Lended hand or diplomatic ruse, the CIA now suspect in it's memo Algeria to have acted in the goal of revealing the very strong nationalism tendancy of the Kingdom. It's the world upside down.

Personnaly, I don't have any idea what is the point of such article, except maybe a small history lesson about the Morroco/Algerie regional rivalry

on Aug 15, 2007
To Drimler,

Une pensée pour une autre : mon anglais est assez boîteux pour supporter mes lourdeurs, parfois !!!
on Aug 15, 2007
To cikomir,

Pour ne pas tarder là-dessus, that was the point. un rappel historique !
on Aug 15, 2007
Une pensée pour une autre : mon anglais est assez boîteux pour supporter mes lourdeurs, parfois

on Aug 15, 2007
sight* here for those who are unable to find a french/english translator, or too lazy to learn french.

"Lazy to learn French"? I learned English and Spanish (Mexican type), that ain't enough?
on Aug 16, 2007
"Lazy to learn French"? I learned English and Spanish (Mexican type), that ain't enough?

clearly, no

What is your first language?
on Aug 16, 2007
Personnally, i can't find myself in English. It's a question of rythm for me, even so my main language is arabic !

Not lazy at
on Aug 16, 2007
Lazy to learn French"? I learned English and Spanish (Mexican type), that ain't enough?

clearly, no

What is your first language?

English. And can you give me 1 reason that at the age of 52, that I should learn another?

Personnally, i can't find myself in English. It's a question of rythm for me, even so my main language is arabic !

Not lazy at

I would never call youu lazy.
on Aug 16, 2007
Mon seul et unique regret reste l'italien. Mais j'ai tout le temps du monde devant moi pour m'accomplir !
on Aug 16, 2007
And can you give me 1 reason that at the age of 52, that I should learn another?

Well, you only "learned" 1 language. Your primary language isn't much "learning" as "growing" into it.

I grew in French (I consider myself lucky. French is quite, quite hard to learn), and I learned - still mastering - english.

So.. 1 reason at the age of 52, that you should learn english?

- Intellectual challenge/amusement
- Be able to read French news without the distortion of American media (quite refreshing to learn about a country trough their OWN media, not by your own news service. That's why I know much more about US and it's mentality than the average Quebecker)
- Voulez vous coucher avec moi, se soir?
- There are AWESOME french culture products that you could enjoy in the original version - which is way better. "Le Diner de Cons" is an awesome comedy movie, which NEVER have been equaled by anything in english. English subtitles makes it understandable for you (and they are quite good quality translation. They even manage to translate the emotion), but nothing beats the original version of Mr Pignon.